Slack Integration for TAYG

Finlert has a Slack bot that allows you to post your TAYG Alerts in Slack - a great way to keep the team in the loop.

Setting up Slack Integration

To set up your slack integration

Navigate to Slack Logo located in the left hand navigation and click Add to Slack

A new page will open asking you to login to Slack. Select your target Slack channel and click Allow

You will be redirected back to Finlert and after a few seconds you should get a success message in Slack.

Please note if you have chosen to install on a private channel there is an additional step required to give finlertBot permissions, this is not required on a public channel

  1. In Slack, go to the private channel

  2. Click the information symbol in top right hand corner

  3. Click "More"

  4. Click "Add apps"

  5. Select finlertApp

Alerts & Slack

Navigate to Slack Logo located in the left hand navigation and set up the alerts that you would like to receive directly into Slack

When the alert is delivered it will appear directly in the Slack channel configured earlier:

Alerts still not appearing in Slack?

Please ensure that if you have selected to post alerts to a private channel that you have completed the extra step of giving finlertBot permissions to post in that channel

  1. In Slack, go to the private channel

  2. Click the information symbol in top right hand corner

  3. Click "More"

  4. Click "Add apps"

  5. Select finlertApp

If that has still not resolved your issue please email us at so that we can help further