Oversight Getting Started

Setting up Oversight is quick and simple using the instructions below:

  1. Go to https://oversight.finlert.com/

  2. Create a user account and log in

    1. If you are already a Xero user, Select 'Sign in with Xero'

    2. If not Select "Create Account" and enter your details

      1. A verification code will be emailed out - enter than in

    3. Login using your username and password

  3. Press the "+" button to add your first Xero Connection - you will be asked to verify your Xero credentials, then select the Xero instance you would like to add

  4. Once connected Oversight will extract the key metric data from Xero - press the cog in the top right corner of Oversight and tick all of the metrics you would like to see

  5. Repeat the last two steps to add as many Xero connections as you like

The menu in the top right corner under your name is used for further administration - you can go to Client settings to add more clients for grouping, invite other Users from your organisation, and also review your Xero Connections.

We're really interested in your feedback - you can use our feedback form to shoot through ideas or issues as you go.

Still stuck? Get in contact.

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