Viewing Leave Balances

The Leave Balances feature allows you to see the teams leave balance information without needing to provide full payroll access.

To see Leave Balances go to the Balances tab which can be found via the scales in the LeaveCal console.

For every employee listed in the calendar you will see the leave balance details as of the last sync.

Under the employees name it will show you how long it has been since they last took leave.

Details listed per configured leave type are;

  • Recent - The number of hours taken in the last 3 months

  • Todays Balance - Balance of hours for each leave type as of the last sync

  • Upcoming - Total number of hours booked till the end of the calendar month

  • Net - The forecast balance at the end of the calendar month based on requests approved

  • Future - Any leave hours booked beyond the end of the calendar month

  • No. Requests - The number of request that the future leave hours are spread across.

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